Motivation plays a very important role in sales person life. Positive motivation helps a sales person to develop in positive sense and helps him to grow; where as no motivation or negative motivation reduces the sales person life.
Here are four ideas by Sir Kelly (a famous sales leader.)
Ø Do Something Different: It’s always advised to sales person to come up with new sales techniques rather than trying old sales techniques. Once these new sales trick click successful will definitely show you the path of success.
Ø Join a master mind: You can join a group of successful sales leaders, where you can discuss your problems regarding sales failures, based on their experiences they will suggest you the solutions for your problems & by applying their techniques who knows you get lucky in your closures. You can also discuss bottle neck with them. Bottle necks are such cases which are on the verge of closures but due some very minute problems are lying in your pending lists. Buy getting feedback on your bottle neck cases you will actually understand what are the problems are and how can be they be solved.
Ø Network: Most of sales people forget their clients after getting sales with them, that’s not right. You can learn many things from them and anyhow doing a sale with is not one time business you would like to retain such clients with your company. You can get good reference leads from them also you can also take tips from them that how they are running their business successfully, this will develop a special relation between you two and this will increase your network & sales territory. You can seek advices from them based on their feedbacks you can improvise your self and again present your self in front of your new clients. This will definitely increase your probability to get sales.
Ø Get out of sales for sometime: Working round the clock makes a sales person stressed out and often gets de-motivated. A sales person must have an social life also i.e. he must always take some time off from his sales clock and give some to his hobbies and family, this will refresh him and lots of positive energy will be gained during this time.
Generation of valid lead
Sales men has one more important thing to do is new clients acquisitions. That’s bringing those clients who are very new to this business. This will also help then in increasing their sales lead file. Well apart from net surfing or news paper ads etc its always advisable to ask for references from your existing clients as they may be having lots of knowledge regarding the market situation and will be able to give you some valid leads who will be definitely be aware of your products and services and you can expect quick responses from them.
According Mr. Kelly there are 3 key points which can help a sales person in generating a valid sales lead
(a) Be Clear: While talking to your existing clients you must e very clear that sir/madam do you know at your knowledge that are looking for similar kinds of product and services so that we can also help the them like we helped you. You must also inform that you are looking for leads which are for immediate closures.
(b) Be Consistent: You cannot ask on regular basis for new leads from your existing clients, you need to as consistently to every one who stays in your business contact.
(c) Set It Up: During your conversation tell them that your business largely depends on referral leads, so kindly do refer his name to your other people who are looking for the same kind of services, make them feel important by saying your word to them will help them to grow in their business the way you grew with us.
Networking is very important ...................for marketing and Hr guys......