Thursday, December 10, 2009

Sales & SalesPerson

Well, every sales person owns a sales clock with 3 important hands Sales Numbers, Sales PipeLine & Sales Forecasting. Till this clock is ticking sales person has a room to have a smile on his face. Sales is an gamble, as even if you so sure that the deal is coming in as it has all your hard work and every possible modes to be successful but even then it has a probability of not happening . Well we can also address sales with number game for sale person. Till the numbers are coming in with the active running of sales clock the sales person is successful but when this numbers stops and the clock stops running the sales person faces the toughest time of his/her life, as the management is least bothered with your efforts and hard word you have putted to get a deal as it all in vein if the deal is not coming in and you will be held responsible as in a sales organization we cant blame our clients even if they back out in 11th hour.
But at the same time a sales person is not just known for generating sales and revenue for the sales organization. He is also responsible for generating sales leads that is acquiring new clients to his/her organization. As we know that a sales person is the mirror of the company at which the client can see his image of benefits and problem solving solutions. So its very important for a sales person to leave a very correct impression of the clients specially with those who has never done business with them. A sales person must be very processional and must be a very good listener and must have a personality which compels his clients to meet him or draw attention towards him.

To be a sales person or sales executive one need following things:
(i). A very good personality that’s well dressed and must look very professional.
(ii). very good communication skills and must possess more than one languages specially the local languages which can help him in communicating with the local clients as sometimes language also plays an vital role in generating sales as some people likes to communicate in their own local language only and then it becomes very difficult for a sales person to deal with such clients but if sales person knows his clients mother tongue it gets easy for him to develop a relationship with him and sometimes this can help him in generating sales as some sales people sell on relations.
(iii). Punctual, dedicated & very hard working.
(iv). Very good listener.
(v). Must have patience and well focused.

These are some of the qualities which I feel a sales person must have and no compromises must be done in this.

Note: “A Sales Person must be prepared for worst situations also and must be capable enough to come out of it with a smiling face.”

Doing sales cannot be taught to any one by any one. Doing sales is an art which can’t be mastered by everyone. We can give guidelines to be successful but it’s up to the sales person how they implement these guidelines for developing the sketch of successful sales from the art which he posses for selling.

1 comment:

  1. Very rightly said by Amit that sales is not something which can be taught instead it comes out of experience by interacting with different people and sales is not everyone's cup of tea,it requires loads of patience and good communication skills-- Anjum Amlani (Ex-Telesales Executive in


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